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Wyoming Stalking Laws

Code Section

Defined As
With intent to harass, conduct was likely to harass by communication, following, placing under surveillance, or otherwise harassing

Misdemeanor: jail maximum 6 months and/or fine maximum $750. If caused serious bodily harm or violates probation, parole or bail or violates temporary or permanent protective order: felony stalking: jail maximum 10 years. If acts occurred within 5 years of prior conviction, and if caused serious bodily harm or violates probation, parole or bail or violates temporary or permanent protective order: felony stalking: jail maximum 10 years

Repeat Offense
If within 5 years: felony stalking: jail maximum 10 years

Arrest or Restraining Order Specifically Authorized by Statute?

Constitutionally Protected Activities Exempted?
If within 5 years: felony stalking: jail maximum 10 years

Inside Wyoming Stalking Laws