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Georgia Stalking Laws

Code Section
16-5-90, et seq

Defined As
Following, surveillance, or contact with another to harass and intimidate. Aggravated stalking: stalking in violation of court order, bond, injunction or probation

Misdemeanor. Aggravated stalking: felony; imprisonment minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years and fine maximum $10,000

Repeat Offense
For 2nd and subsequent convictions: felony; imprisonment minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years

Arrest or Restraining Order Specifically Authorized by Statute?
For 2nd and subsequent convictions: felony; imprisonment minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years

Constitutionally Protected Activities Exempted?
Yes. Restraining order issued upon filing of petition setting forth probable cause.

Inside Georgia Stalking Laws