Offender required to register is any person residing in Mississippi, who has been convicted, acquitted by reason of insanity or adjudicated delinquent for any covered sex offense or attempted sex offense.
Information collected includes name, including a former name which has been legally changed; Street address of permanent and temporary residences in or out of state; Date, place and address of employment; Crime for which convicted; Date and place of conviction, adjudication or acquittal by reason of insanity; Aliases used; Social Security number; Date and place of birth; Age, race, sex, height, weight, hair and eye colors; Any other physical description or identifying factors, such as any scars, marks and tattoos; Brief description of the offense or offenses for which registration is required; Driver’s license number or state identification card number; Anticipated future residence address; Photograph, fingerprints, palm prints and biological sample; Name/status at any public/private educational, trade or professional institution at which offender is employed, has a vocation, or is enrolled as a student, and give the status; Vehicle make, model, color and license tag number; Identification of vessel, houseboat or motor vehicle or trailer used as residence, and Other identification information deemed necessary; Offender’s parole, probation or supervised release status and the existence of any outstanding arrest warrants; Every online identity screen name or username used, registered or created by a registrant Must give offense history and provide copy of conviction or sentencing order for which registration is required; Must submit documentation of any treatment received for any mental abnormality or personality disorder of the person; And must give any other information deemed necessary.
Offender shall not reside within 1500 feet of the real property comprising a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, a child care facility, a residential child-caring agency, a children’s group care home or any playground, ball park or other recreational facility utilized by persons under the age of eighteen (18) years; however certain exceptions are provided in the law.
Lt. Colonel Stanley Sisk, Director, MS Bureau of Investigation
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 601.987.1560
Mississippi Sex Offender Registration
E-Mail to: [email protected]
MSOR Hotline: 601.368.1740
Lt. James Gann [email protected]
Phone: 601.987.1540
Administrating Agency:
Mississippi Department of Public Safety (MDPS) and county sheriffs.
Timeframe for Registration:
Registration is two-part process:
1. Register with the MS Dept. of Corrections at time of release from incarceration or with the Sheriff of the county of residence within three (3) days of judgment if not incarcerated, detained or committed. (Other agencies may be responsible for registering offenders in specific cases.)
2.The person is further required to report in person to a MDPS driver?s license station within ten (10) days of registering with the responsible agency to complete the registration process and be issued a sex offender card.
An offender moving into MS must notify MDPS 10 days before residing in a county in this state. The offender must register with the sheriff and MDPS within 10 days of first residing in or returning to MS as described above.
Penalties for Non-Compliance:
The failure of an offender to provide any registration or other information including, but not limited to, initial registration, reregistration or change of address information is a violation of the law as is forgery of information or submission of information under false pretenses. Also failure to provide required notifications to volunteer groups and employers of status as a registered sex offender is a violation of the law. The violation is a felony and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both. The offender’s driving license or privilege in the State of MS is also suspended for failure to comply with the duty to report, register or reregister.
Confidentiality Provision:
Anyone who uses this information to commit a criminal act against another person is subject to criminal prosecution. The sale or exchange of sex offender information for profit is prohibited. Misuse of this information is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both. Victim information cannot be released.