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Code Section
Tit. 16 §4701, et seq.; 4753A

Class A misdemeanor (If applicable, can be subject to First Offenders Controlled Substances Diversion Program §4764); Knowingly making a purchase from a minor under 18: Class E felony. Purchasing from a minor under 16, 6 months no suspension, probation, parole. Seller is under 14 yrs. 1 year mandatory sentence

Class E felony: 5 yrs. and $1000 to $10,000 (more severe if near school §4767-68)

5 lbs. or more: class B felony; 5-100 lbs.: $25,000 and minimum 2 yrs.; 100-500 lbs.: $50,000 and minimum 4 yrs.; Over 500 lbs.: $100,000 and minimum 8 yrs.

Inside Delaware