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Code Section
21a-278, 279

Under 4 oz.: 1 yr. and/or $1000; Over 4 oz.: 5 yrs. and/or $2000; Over 1 kilo: 5-20 yrs. to life; Subsequent offense: Under 4 oz.: 5 yrs. and/or $3000;Over 4 oz.: 10 yrs. and/or $5000; add 2 yrs. if within 1500 ft. of school or child day care center

Over 1 kilo: 5-20 yrs.; Subsequent offense: 10-25 yrs.; If sale within 1500 ft. of school or child day care center: additional mandatory 3 yrs.; Sale to minor or person 2 yrs. junior: additional mandatory 2 yrs.; court may suspend mandatory minimum sentence if person is under 18 or lacks mental capacity


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