Code Section
16-11-121, et seq.
Illegal Arms
Sawed-off shotgun or rifle; machine gun; dangerous weapon (“rocket launcher,” “bazooka” or “recoilless rifle,” “mortar,” “hand grenade”) or silencer
Waiting Period
None, but 60 days for license to carry pistol
Who May Not Own
1. Convicted felon; convicted of offense arising out of possession, manufacture, or use of a controlled substance; fugitive from justice; pending proceedings for felony, forcible misdemeanor, for carrying deadly weapon within school safety zone or at public gathering; 2. Under 18 yrs. old; 3. Anyone hospitalized as inpatient at any mental hospital or drug or alcohol treatment center within 5 yrs. of applying for gun license.
Law Prohibiting Firearms On or Near School Grounds
Felony. 16-11-127.1